"You have sorrow Now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you."

John 16:22

Bereavement Advocacy

Hello and thank you for allowing us to introduce ourselves to you, we are Bereavement Coordinators. If you’ve never heard of our kind of service before then we’re not surprised, it’s unique.

We are like a wedding coordinator but for funerals instead. The services we provide go a lot further than just the funeral. As Bereavement Coordinators we provide quality representation of our clients’ wishes in the event of the death of a loved one. We bring to a bereaved family the knowledge base and negotiating skills necessary to reduce the cost of funeral products and services up to 50% guaranteed.

We offer the unique service of protecting our clients from the vulnerability of making under-informed decisions when they are emotionally and financially vulnerable.

Experience in planning funerals is something that most people do not have the desire or need to cultivate. At the time that most of us need these services we are hurried, uninformed, and greatly stressed.

Although there are many funeral home professionals who act with professionalism and honesty in their work, there are unfortunate instances when uncaring, unethical behavior by certain persons makes your situation even more difficult.

If you suspect that your loved one has not received the care they deserve, or that you have been cheated in some way during the process that was intended to honor your loved one, there are certain signs of funeral home malpractice of which you should be aware. They include but are not limited to:
• Failure to store the body properly
• Failure to properly embalm the body
• Losing cremated remains
• Cremating the wrong body
• Carelessness in the transport of the body
• Theft of personal property before your loved one is buried
• Allowing an unqualified practitioner to handle the embalming of your loved one
• Allowing your loved one’s remains to excessively decompose due to improper embalming or storage
• Stealing your loved one’s organs
• Selling you a higher quality casket and then substituting it with a lesser quality one
• Placing another body in your loved one’s cemetery plot
• Burying the body of your loved one in the wrong cemetery plot
• Putting your loved one with one or more other bodies into a single casket or performing the same action during the cremation process.

If you can identify any of the above actions occurring in connection with the preparations and arrangements made for your loved one, then consider contacting us so that our legal team can advocate for you.

When you allow us to assist you during this arduous time, you will take comfort in:
– Transferring your stress to a Bereavement Coordinator
– Relieving much of your emotional burden
– Being helped to make well informed decisions
– Protecting your family’s finances
– Knowing you are in control of the funeral planning process